My super mean green juice recipe



Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.

This juice is good for 4 days max!  You want your juices as fresh as can be.  This helped my immune system heal.  I started juicing immediately when my counts were back up and practiced hot yoga when I could after each round of chemo AFTER I recovered from the infections.  Juicing will ALWAYS be part of my life.


  1. Kale (a bunch that comes tied in the grocery store) or spinach
  2. Ginger (thumb sized)
  3. Lemon (2-4) makes the bitter kale taste better
  4. Green Apple (2-3) depends how sweet you want it
  5. Beets (1-2) where gloves!!!
  6. Cilantro (a bunch)  if you don’t like cilantro, try parsley.  Herbs have so many benefits!  Suck it up if you can lol
  7. Carrot (1-2)
  8. Cucumber (1)
  9. Celery (2-3)
  10. Tumeric (thumb size)

I would make this big batch and keep it in the fridge.

I drank 1-2 mason jars a day.  AM/PM

In the AM upon waking I would drink WARM not hot, but warm 8 oz glass of water with 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon or squeeze lemon juice & a pinch of cayenne pepper powder, then drink my mason jar of green juice.  Brush my teeth, read the news while drinking a cup of green tea.  20 mins after I would make oatmeal with blueberries or have granola with greek yogurt or scrambled eggs.  Then off to hot yoga class I would go!

In the evening I would drink my PM greens a half hour before supper.

Kale is very important!  I don’t care what information is out there, it healed me.  But if you must use arugula or spinach.  I would sometimes use a lime and lemon.  That lime brightens the cilantro or parsley.  The lemon, ginger & green apple rids the bitter taste of the kale.

The juicer I use is:  Breville – The juice fountain.  I tried two other kinds and found this was the best one for what I needed it to do.   I only cut my lemon or lime peel off and my apples or beets in half… can stick everything else in whole.  I would put all my fruit in the sink and let it soak for 20 mins before juicing it.


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